Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Bush and Olmert seem to want a "Three State Solution: - one in which at least one of the three is a failed state run by jihado-terrorists - and where the other Arab state will probably fail, too.

Rice expressed optimism ahead of the upcoming U.S.-hosted Annapolis summit planned for the end of November, and said that the situation in the past years had improved greatly.

She maintained that Israelis believe today that the establishment of a Palestinian state could benefit Israel, and that most Arab states are not questioning whether Israel will exist, but rather what the conditions for peace are.

"In our view, the security of the democratic Jewish state required the creation of a responsible Palestinian state," she said. She suggested that the Palestinian state also could serve as a bulwark against the threat from violent extremists.

She praised President George W. Bush for realizing a Palestinian democracy was a necessary precondition for meaningful negotiations between the Palestinians and Israelis.

"Some think that this focus on democracy backfired with the election of Hamas," she said. "I disagree with that conclusion. Hamas always had power. What it never had was responsibility for power." "Hamas has chosen violence rather than responsible government," she said, "and for that reason it is isolated by the international community."

Rice said a two-state solution for the Israelis and Palestinians was more urgent than ever because of the threat from violent extremists in the Middle East, referring specifically to Hamas, Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas and Iran.

As long as Gazastan is run by Hamas - an entity which refuses to recognize Israel - the creation of another Arab state from the territories on the West Bank of the River Jordan essentially means that what we will have is a THREE STATE SOLUTION, with one of those states being a failed state run by a jihado-terrorist entity, Gazastan.

WHO IS GOING TO GET GAZA TO CHANGE THEIR REGIME!? And the new Arab state - within the West Bank - well, what will prevent it from being taken over by Hamas, or by Iran? WHO WILL PREVENT THAT!?

The experience in Gaza should PROVE that just giving these jihado-thugs MORE land does not yield peace.

The experience in Gaza should PROVE that just giving these jihado-thugs MORE land does not yield peace.

The experience in Gaza should PROVE that just giving these jihado-thugs MORE land does not yield peace.

First we must defeat the jihadists, then we can IMPOSE peace - like we did after WW2.

Everything else is a delusion. A sad one shared by Bush ad Olmert and Peres and Rice.

This delusion which will NOT lead to peace, but it will lead to the deaths of many more Israelis.

Which is what the enemy wants.


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