Tuesday, October 16, 2007


The Dem anti-Armenian Genocide Resolution was a bad idea.

It was hatched by the traitorous Dems to hurt Bush and our allies in the Iraq War.

But in ridiculing the traitorous Dems for this little bit of treachery we should keep in mind that Turkey has been a lousy ally - one we should get tougher with, if not abandon.

The Turks prevented us from using our airbases there for troops deployments before the Iraq War, and this was a huge blow to our war plans and war efforts. NYTIMES:
Turkish Parliament Refuses to Accept G.I.'s in Blow to Bush
By Dexter Filkins
New York Times

Saturday 01 March 2003

ANKARA, Turkey, March 1 - The Turkish Parliament today dealt a major setback to the Bush administration's plans for a northern front against Iraq, narrowly rejecting a measure that would have allowed thousands of American combat troops to use the country as a base for an attack.
That was done by newly elected Erdogan and Gul - the same islamists calling the shots today.

Many analysts say this move by Turkey helped create or strengthen the insurgency because we couldn't smash the enemy between the anvil and the hammer. The troops coming from Turkey were going to be the hammer, but Turkey vetoed that and the hammer was never brought down on the enemy as a result.

And since then they've continued to be very uncooperative - and they've been messing with the Kurds. The Kurds have been better allies than the Turks - we should reward our good allies and chastise our bad ones.

There are now reports that Turkey is aligning itself with IRAN in order to defeat the PKK.
This is bad for us and our allies in Iraq.

The Turks have been no better than Putin - which is to say they have not been good allies at all.

On top of these un-allylike moves on their part, they have continuously demonstrated a few hallmarks of islamism: thin-skin and hypocrisy.

Why do the Turks care what resolutions get passed in Congress!? BECAUSE THEY ARE MUSLIMS - and Muslims are generally intolerant and use they have repeatedly and publicly used violence and the threats of violence to foster dhimmitude. Muslims don't want to let non-Muslims draw pictures of Mohammed, or call genocide genocide. Well, I say "EFF YOU; WE WILL CALL A SPADE A SPADE." When we cannot speak the truth to our allies then they are not allies.

That's why I think we should (a) move our bases and relocate them to friendlier European nations like Bulgaria - where we have a burgeoning base in Bezmer. And we can new build bases in Iraq and in Central Asia.

We shouldn't keep troops in Germany or Turkey - it's so WW3/Cold War/yesterday.

And we should (b) make sure that Turkey doesn't get into the EU. I agree woith Sarkozy: Turkey doesn't belong in the EU because they are not IN Europe and not OF Europe.

And we should (c) throw them out of NATO.

In a war between Kurds and Turks we should be able to side with the Kurds, but NATO prevents that by tying our hands to the member state.

So we should throw Turkey out.

WW4 is a war in defense of the West. Turkey has chosen NOT to be a good ally of the West. We should treat them that way.

BOTTOM-LINE: I liked Bush most when he told the world that you are either with us or against us.

Turkey has shown that since 2003 - and the ascent of Erdogan and Gul and the islamicists - that they are NOT with us.

It's time to jettison them.

NOTE: Musharraf has been a much better ally than Turkey; he's actually deployed troops and jets in WW4 and killed thousands of the enemy. If Turkey wants the perks of NATO membership - and membership in the West, then Turkey has to be at least as good an ally as Pakistan. That's NOT asking too much.


  1. "It's time to jettison them"...

    Well O.K.

    Note that I really don't disagree with many of the points you bring up and if there are differences its more a matter of degree (i.e. the use of airbases for the initial attacks - remember Turkey had just gone through a change of government about then) than outright differences...

    Having said that, what then is your suggestion regarding getting supplies like beans, bullets, and water to the troops in Iraq?

    We are talking MASSIVE amounts of material that have to be moved over roads...

    Through southern Iraq?

  2. Well damn it!

    From the always questionable Beeb but also heard on Fox News Channel:

    Turkey's parliament has given permission for the government to launch military operations into Iraq in pursuit of Kurdish rebels

    The vote was taken in defiance of pressure from the US and Iraq, which have called on Turkey for restraint.

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said the motion does not mean a military operation is imminent.

    But he said Turkey needed to be able to respond to a recent rise in bomb attacks blamed on PKK rebels from Iraq.

    Turkish MPs backed him overwhelmingly, by 507 votes to 19.
    (there is more)...

    Well Reliapundit your take is looking better and better all the time it seems...

  3. thanks for your support juandos.

    obviously it'll take some hard work to redeploy out of turkey.

    we shoulda started in 2003.

    there's no time like the present.
