Wednesday, October 03, 2007


The following is a simple Associated Press wire story about how Jimmy Carter got into a shouting match with a member of the Sudanese "security services" while he was on one of his very Carter-like missions to promote peace throughout the world.

It seems to me that, in just seven quick paragraphs the AP writer managed to sum up all the futility that is Jimmy Carters life and his quest for peace on Earth:
KABKABIYA, Sudan (AP) - Former President Carter got in a shouting match Wednesday with Sudanese security services who blocked him from a town in Darfur
where he was trying to meet with refugees from the ongoing conflict.

The 83-year-old Carter walked into this highly volatile pro-Sudanese government town to meet refugees too frightened to attend a scheduled meeting at a nearby compound. He was able to make it to a school where he met with one tribal representative and was preparing to go further into the town when Sudanese security officers stopped him.

"You can't go. It's not on the program!" the local security chief, who only gave his first name as Omar, yelled at Carter, who is in Darfur as part of a delegation of respected international figures known as "The Elders."

"We're going to anyway!" an angry Carter retorted as a crowd began to gather. "You don't have the power to stop me."

U.N. officials told Carter's entourage the Sudanese state police could bar his way. Carter's traveling companions, billionaire businessman Richard Branson and Graca Machel, the wife of former South African President Nelson Mandela, tried to ease his frustration and his Secret Service detail urged him to get into a car and leave.

"I'll tell President Bashir about this," Carter said, referring to Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.

Carter later agreed to a compromise by which tribal representatives would be brought to him at another location later Wednesday. But the refugee delegates never showed up.
What do you know? The tribal representative (the man who is designated to be the leader of the oppressed black Sudanese who are being killed by the Arab-Muslim government of Sudan) never showed up.

You'd think the Sudanese "security forces" would have followed through on their promise to Carter to make sure that he'd be able to meet with the tribal representative, wouldn't you?

No, I wouldn't. After all, it is the Arab-Muslim government of Sudan who employs the "security forces", and it is the "security forces" themselves who kill the black Sudanese Christians, Animists, and Sufi's at the behest of the Arab-Muslim government.

And somehow, in Jimmy Carter's world, where peace can always be achieved through dialogue (and, if wishes were fishes), such simple facts about the Sudanese government are not accounted for.

And so, Jimmy Carter shouted, "You don't have the power to stop me," at the Sudanese "security" man. Man, I'll bet the 83 year old Carter was really feeling his oats there, raising his voice in righteous indignation there in front of such luminaries as Nelson Mandela and Richard Branson. Yes, it must have felt good to let forth with the moral outrage.

But, ultimately, Jimmy Carter allowed himself to be turned back, as Pacifists like himself always ultimately do.

And, when Jimmy Carter turned back, the genocide continued on, as it will continue on, until someone decides to pick up some guns and kill those who are killing the innocent black people of Sudan.

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