Sunday, October 07, 2007


Here's an e-mail that was forwarded to me telling about a new book that persecuted journalist from Bangladesh Salah Choudhury published:
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007
From: Salah Choudhury

Dear Friend:

I am happy to inform you that my book titled

'Injustice & Jihad'

is now getting ready for shipment.
The book contains 384 pages.

If anyone is willing to buy single copy [US $ 30 per copy], they may kindly contact Dr. Richard L. Benkin at who will kindly make arrangements for delivery of the books.

On the other hand, for any bulk purchase at a special rate [US$ 25 per copy], please contact Amanur Rashid Aman, Circulation Manager, Email:

I shall be personally obliged if you will kindly circulate the news of publication of this new book.

With Profound Regards

So now, if you'd like to get the book, you'll know where to go. REMINDER: His only crime was that he wanted to go to Israel to attend a Writers' Conference in Tel Aviv.

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