Friday, October 12, 2007


I had to control anger, resentment and animous. Again, those are things I couldn't afford to have, simply because they would destroy me.

Things like anger, negativity or cynicism, those things sort of bleed away the positive energy that you need to live your life.--Clarence Thomas

I watched the rest of Sean Hannity's interview with Clarence Thomas Sunday night on Hannity's America. I can't get over what a remarkable man he is. So you can imagine my outrage at reading Barbara Shelly's KC Star column, Why is Clarence Thomas reopening this chapter? It incensed me enough to write the following letter to the editor:
I was offended at Barbara Shelly's description of Clarence Thomas in her recent column. She seems intent on focusing on a small part of his book where he talked about Anita Hill. During his interviews he talked about how Hill was just a tool that the left used to smear him and he had little else to say about her.

I watched every interview Thomas did this past week and I saw a man whose theme in life is not to dwell on anger or revenge. I think Shelly must have missed these interviews because she couldn't have watched them and concluded that he had a “chip on his shoulder”. I saw the exact opposite and find him remarkably healthy after what he suffered through. We don't get to choose whether we go through trials in life but we can choose how we respond to them. Thomas’s response and life story is an inspiration to us all.
The KC Star published my letter on Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. well done. congratz.

    i also like this from the thread on your letter to the kc newspaper:

    "Funny how the liberal media give Thomas grief for sexual harrassment when there is no proof he did anything. But Clinton was nailed with the three items above, and the libs will defend him to the grave."
