Saturday, October 27, 2007


Joel Mowbray, writing in the Washington Times ("Media Fantasy Land"):

In the terrorism case of two young Egyptian nationals and University of South Florida students arrested Aug. 4 in South Carolina, fascinating twists and turns abound... Yet this compelling drama has drawn scant attention from the mainstream media. And while apologists might attempt to write off the paucity of coverage for various reasons, a slew of other terrorism cases since September 11 have been met with the same media disinterest.

Following the arrests of Mr. Mohamed and Mr. Megahed on Aug. 4 with explosives in the trunk of their car — just seven miles from a naval weapons base in Goose Creek, S.C. — The Washington Post and New York Times made fleeting references...

When someone with seething anger toward U.S. soldiers drives a car filled with explosive materials two states away to a naval station, how is that not major news?

Contrast that to the coverage afforded the recent mistrial in the government's case against Holy Land Foundation, an alleged front for Hamas.

The mistrial was spun by most mainstream media outlets as a major defeat to U.S. counterterrorism efforts. The New York Times dedicated over 1,200 words in a page-one story...

I have come to the inescapable conclusion that the mainstream media is indistinguishable from the enemy. Read the whole thing.

Cross-posted at Doug Ross @ Journal

1 comment:

  1. the lib-hawk bush administration is just a silent as the lib-dove msm.


    i feel because like gordon brown's labour gov't - they fear that the public will quickly become fed up with the gov't's incompetence and take the law into our own hands.

    a backlash.

    we aren't very far from that, imho.

    i feel that the next big successful attack (or the one after that) will be met with vigilante reprisals on 3rd parties.

    the people do not want to pussy-foot around: not in iraq and not at home.

    and it sure seems to me we are still pussy-footing around. the petraeus effort helped, but it's not enough.

    HECK: we found more iranian rockets in iraQ today, and what the eff are we doing about it!?


    the bush administration - (which tried to give us DUBAI PORTS and Miers and amnesty and is NOT pushing hard enough for an expansion of domestic oil exploration/exploitation) - is flubbing this: they shouold be all over the Goose Creek case and they are AWOL.

    they disgust me.

    only rudy and mccain are reliable/tested hawks. but they are just as liberal as bush.

