Friday, October 26, 2007


As I've made pretty clear I'll be voting for whoever gets the Republican nomination with the exception of Ron Paul but I have also been honest that I am no fan of Mike Huckabee.

I did this post on why I'm not thrilled with Huckabee. I hated to do one on why I didn't like him but people kept asking me why, so I spelled it out. Today, John Fund has come out with a column that I think says it all and is an "I told you so" moment for me. Here is small excerpt:
Mr. Huckabee attributes his support to the fact he is a "hardworking, consistent conservative with some authenticity about those convictions." He is certainly qualified for national office, having served nearly 11 years as a chief executive. I have known and liked him for years; on the stump he often tells the story of how we first met outside his boarded-up office in the state Capitol, which had been sealed by Arkansas Democrats who refused to accept he had won an upset election for lieutenant governor in 1993. But I also know he is not the "consistent conservative" he now claims to be.

Nor am I alone. Betsy Hagan, Arkansas director of the conservative Eagle Forum and a key backer of his early runs for office, was once "his No. 1 fan." She was bitterly disappointed with his record. "He was pro-life and pro-gun, but otherwise a liberal," she says. "Just like Bill Clinton he will charm you, but don't be surprised if he takes a completely different turn in office."

Phyllis Schlafly, president of the national Eagle Forum, is even more blunt. "He destroyed the conservative movement in Arkansas, and left the Republican Party a shambles," she says. "Yet some of the same evangelicals who sold us on George W. Bush as a 'compassionate conservative' are now trying to sell us on Mike Huckabee."

I know many social conservatives are nervous about Rudy but to be honest I think when it comes to Supreme Court Justices (where most moral issues come into play) I trust Rudy more than Huckabee to make good picks!!

1 comment:

  1. It is a sad hit piece by the WSJ. I think this Journalist that covered Huckabee makes a excellent rebuttal to the sins of omission of John Fund
