Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Last month JR blogged a long post about the leftist enemies of ordinary Iraqis. Now their answer would be "we oppose both US oppression and Islamist oppression.

But honestly, this "we oppose everything" liberal activism is starting to get a little tired. A person can be for robust US military force used in the interest of liberating women and gays from the yoke of political Islam or they can be against it. Opposing the only force currently working to free women and gays from sharia oppression is functionally equivalent to supporting their oppressors. "Both sides are wrong" is the height of shallowness - yes of course everyone is wrong in some way. But not everyone is equally wrong or bad. The question to ask someone who opposes the side that is better is: why do you choose to care about that and not this far more problematic thing?

Anyway, Code Pink. defaced a Marine recruitment center last week. Gateway Pundit has the story along with a bunch of pictures attesting to the things that these people choose to care about. Nice to see that things don't really change from month to month.

[Read an extended version of this post at Mere Rhetoric]

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