Monday, October 22, 2007


Yesterday, I reported here that Ahmadinejad seems to have eclipsed the Mullahs, and even the Grand Ayatollah Khameini himself, in the leadership of Iran. I would say that this, the ascension of Saeed Jalili to lead nuclear negotiator for the state of Iran, is just more evidence that I am correct:

As the Foreign Ministry Deputy Head of the American and European section at the Foreign Ministry, Jalili is known to have worked until the early hours of the morning in his office in his efforts to strengthen the co-operation of Iran with Southern hemisphere countries. This was part of the “south-south” strategy, according to which it was believed that Ahmadinejad’s government would be able to look for and find alliances with countries such as Venezuela. It is also reported that that Ahmadinejad has consulted Jalili on a number of key moves — according to one report, Ahmadinejad’s infamous 18 page letter to President Bush was, in fact, Jalili’s idea.

The most worrying revelation about Jalili’s past appeared today in the Iran Diplomacy website. This Tehran-based news agency, in an article titled “Dr Ali Leaves, Dr Saeed Enters” revealed that for most of his career at the Foreign Ministry, Jalili worked closely with Mojtaba Hashemi Samare, a leading messianic and a close ally of Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, the most well-known and high-ranking messianic cleric in Iran. The article talks about how Jalili cooperated with Hashemi Samare in the Inspectorate department of Ministry. It also mentions that for a short time, Jalili also worked with Ahmadinejad.

Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi is a former member of the Hojattieh, a messianic splinter group which was disbanded by Ayatollah Khomeini in the early 1980s because of its extremist views.

The sect’s goals are to sow chaos — the goal of which is to incite a massive war, presumably necessary to speed up the return of the Shiite messiah, known as the Mahdi.

Some nuclear negotiator, huh? Read the whole thing over at Pajamas Media.

It goes without saying, we have a real problem on our hands, folks. Never before has the world seen a Messianic Cult government with its fingers on a nuclear trigger.

What are we going to do? What is there to do?

The longer we wait, the higher the casualties will be. The most moral thing to do is BOMB NOW!

That may sound crazy, but isn't it more crazy to wait until this Messianic Cult has bombs? Isn't it more crazy to wait until any conflagration could turn into the deaths of hundreds of millions of people, instead of the hundreds of thousands who may be killed were America to hit Iran now?

And while I am at it, given that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stated his intentions to "wipe Israel off the face of the map", let me pose this question to my Christian brothers and sisters:

How would you feel, were Ahmadinejad to succeed in his goal, about the fact that the Christian Church would have done even less to stop the second Holocaust than we did to stop the first one?

(By the way, I have put this question to the Pastors of my church, and have yet to receive an answer which makes any sense to me.)

I am a Christian, but I have taken to wearing a Star of David necklace wherever I go, especially when I go to Church. Last week at Church, my Pastor, who happens to hail from the UK, read from the words of Winston Churchill. My Pastor said that those words were an inspiration to him. He said they made him feel as if he wanted to "go out and kill some Nazis right now."

My response (not too loudly, but loudly enough for those around me to hear) was, "Well then, let's go kill some Nazis."

The enemy is there, and his intentions are clearly stated. It is our duty to put an end to this, before the whole world goes up in flames.

UPDATE: It occurred to me that many may wonder what exactly I would expect my Pastor, and other Christians, to do. Should we call for the murdering of Islamonazis from the pulpits of churches across America?

No, that is not quite what I am saying.

Instead, I believe it is the responsibility of the Christian Church, as a whole, to identify and call out the evil in our midst. I believe that Pastors and Parishioners as well ought to be identify Jihadism as the new Nazism. I believe we ought to be proclaiming this from our pulpits, and I believe we ought to be handing out pamphlets on college campuses across the United States. I believe we ought to be sending Missionaries to Europe, where they are badly needed, instead of only sending Missionaries to places like Africa, China, and South America.

And, I believe we ought to do all these things because they are the right thing to do, not because Israel occupies some special place in God's plan, although I do believe that is true as well (although, I don't claim to be clear on what that place is).

I believe there are a great many steps we can take, but other than Apocalyptic End Times-type Pastors like John Hagee and Pat Robertson, I don't see any Christians speaking out on these issues in an organized fashion.

Why is that? Has the devil got our tongue?






  2. Excellent post!

    As a reminder for readers who may be unfamiliar with the situation (thanks to the reporting of our crack MSM), Iran's leaders have also pledged the destruction of "Anglo-saxon civilization" and, more specifically, the U.S. and the U.K.

    See An Unremarkable Declaration of War for more info.

  3. Reliapundit,
    Yes, we will have to deNazify the whole regime. However, it won't merely be Iran we will have to deNazify. We will also have to deNazify Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Lebanon, Sudan, and much of Malaysia and Indonesia.

    There are many other countries I am leaving out.

    We have a very big problem on our hands. It is called Islam. And, about 25-40% of its adherents seem to believe it is their God-given destiny to kill or convert all of us.

  4. DirectorBlue,
    Thanks for the compliment and the link.
