Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I am one of those people who once you win me over, I'm pretty loyal. Ann Coulter won my loyalty a long time ago and while I may disagree with her from time to time I'm not as willing as others to turn on her.

When I thought about the title for this post I was pretty sure I had used the title before, sure enough I had. I wrote the first post with this title back in March of this year when conservatives were again throwing Coulter under the bus for her comments about Edwards. What amazed me at the time is how willingly so many conservatives believed the Drive By Media's spin on what she had said without knowing the context.

I see the same thing happening now. Many conservatives are throwing her under the bus and even calling her anti-semitic. There is a wonderful post by Newsbusters explaining the controversy, I encourage all of you to check it out.

What doesn't surprise me is that Media Matters is at the heart of demonizing Coulter. In a matter of weeks they have spun a controversy for Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and now not surprisingly, Ann Coulter.

I get that she is a little too brash for many and some conservatives don't care for her. In one of Patrick's posts he had this to say:
Her tendency to clown around and make outrageous statements is what makes her so amusing but sometimes she's like an embarrassing drunk trashy relative at a posh wedding.
I don't necessarily completely disagree with that statement.

Yet, my point would be that as conservatives lets not be so willing to take the Media Matters' talking points and run with them without knowing the whole context. Lets wait and hear the particular conservative's side of the story.

1 comment:

  1. Ya know, I don't have anything for or against Coulter, she is who she is, and her income is dependent on her making outrageous statements, she is in the business of self promotion, and if you're a decent blogger, so are you, I know I am...

    There's not a day goes by that I and pretty much every other blogger don't say something that we just KNOW is going to p*ss off a certain segment of the blogosphere, but we write it and publish it anyway, I never say anything in my blog about anyone or anything that I wouldn't say TO the person(s) I am writing about, good or bad, I believe in honesty, and it's caused me to lose a few fans, but it's also caused me to gain 100 times the number lost, it's caused me to be called the Michael Savage of the Blogosphere, and that was said as an insult, but shoot, it was a great compliment in all truth...

    Anyone that's a boring writer, speaker or blogger isn't going to have much of a following, but if you're not afraid to let it ALL hang out there, and Ann Coulter damn sure isn't afraid to walk on that edge, if you can walk that edge too, you can be a success like she is...

    You're gonna make some folks angry but hey, if they can't handle the truth as YOU see it, they need to find a new star to latch onto...
