Wednesday, October 10, 2007


They're not Iranian nuclear bombs yet. But does anyone doubt that they'll give them to terrorists as soon as they can? And in the meantime, the Brits are quite sure that the non-nuclear weapons getting to the Taliban are courtesy of Tehran:
British military intelligence officers and the U.S. commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan say Iran is supplying Taliban fighters with weaponry. U.S. Army General Dan McNeill, the commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, said more than 50 roadside bombs and timers were discovered by British special forces last month crossing the border in trucks from Iran to Afghanistan, The Daily Telegraph reported Thursday. He said the discovery is evidence that Iran's Quds Revolutionary Guards are providing active support to Taliban militants. "I cannot see how it is possible for at least the Iranian military, probably the Quds force, to not have known of this convoy," McNeill said.
We actually don't believe this story. Leftists explained to us that this is all part of Bush's Zionist neocon rush to war. You know - all those Zionist neocons who control British intelligence.

[Cross-posted to Mere Rhetoric]

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