Tuesday, October 02, 2007


President Rudy Giuliani.
Vice president Fred Thompson.
Chief of Staff Mitt Romney or Jim Nussle.
Sec Def McCain.
Attorney General Mukasey.
Sec State Zalmay Khalilzad.
Sec DHS Jeb Bush.
DNI General Hayden or Bob Gates.
Sec Treas Romney or Al Hubbard
SCOTUS nominee: Ted Olson.

Not bad. The top two you can flip.

This is equally likely:

President Mitt Romney.
Vice president Fred Thompson or Rudy Giliani.
Chief of Staff Jim Nussle.
Sec Def McCain.
Attorney General Giuliani or Fred Thompson.
Sec State Zalmay Khalilzad.
Sec DHS Jeb Bush.
DNI General Hayden or Bob Gates.
Sec Treas Al Hubbard or Ed Lazear
SCOTUS nominee: Ted Olson.

BTW: President Abe Lincoln had all his POTUS rivals in his cabinet. He was a Republican. Big men can do that.

If the crooked Hillary wins, then here's the way her White House will likely look:

President - (God Forbid, please!) Hillary.
Vice president Bill Richardson.
Chief of Staff John Podesta.
Sec Def Wesley Clark or John Kerry.
Attorney General Eliot Spitzer or Lynn Stewart or Ramses Clark
Sec State Wendy Sherman or Jimmy Carter
Sec DHS Ray Kelly or Kathleen Blanco.
DNI Jane Harmon or Joe Wilson.
Sec Treas GEORGE SOROS (Heh!)
SCOTUS nominee: Chermininsky

I have problems with each and every GOP candidate, but would vote for any one of them if they were running against a Dem. Even McCain.

Maybe that's why I like to imagine that they'd work together after January 2009. They each have a lot to offer; not one has it all.

1 comment:

  1. I like the top scenario A LOT!! Except for McCain as Sec of Defense. I love Ted Olson as a Justice nominee. Oh, if only..........
