Sunday, September 02, 2007


GATEWAY: Afghan Report: Taliban Raped Korean Hostages "Over & Over"
There were reports two weeks ago from the Afghanistan media that the Korean Christian missionary hostages were raped by the Taliban.

Now there are reports that the Taliban commanders were fighting over the Korean women hostages.

The final seven Korean missionary hostages, who had been held hostage for six weeks, were handed over to the International Committee of the Red Cross in two groups late Thursday. (Reuters)

Afghan News is now reporting that after the Korean government heard about the rapes ransom money was paid to the Taliban. ABC News reported:
South Korea paid the Taliban $950,000 -- or $50,000 a head -- to secure the release of 19 church workers abducted in southeastern Afghanistan, Afghan officials who took part in the negotiations told ABC News.
The negotiations took on urgency, the Afghan officials said, after two female hostages who were released last month reported being repeatedly raped by their Taliban captors.

The kidnappers also killed two of the male hostages, who were abducted six weeks ago riding by bus through southeastern Ghazni province.

"We have reports the various Taliban commanders were fighting over the women hostages," said Mirajuddin Pathan, the governor of Ghazni province. "They were abused over and over."

This was done by TALIBAN - the "pious students" of Islam. THESE ACTS ARE THE FRUITS OF ISLAM.

When we draw insulting cartoons, they STAGE RIOTS.

When they kidnap and rape our missionaries, and behead our troops and contractors we should do more than we are doing - which is fight them with one hand behind our backs!

I know that FDR and Truman would not have left our biggest weapons on the shelf, or worried about the loss of collateral civilian life; they would have tried to WIPE THE ENEMY OUT WHEREVER THEY WERE. USING EVERYTHING WE GOT: Dresden, Tokyo. Hiroshima. Nagasaki. what we did to these cities won us the war, and cost us next to NO US casualties.

YES: We should be firebombing or even using NUKES on the Taliban and al Qaeda villages and strongholds of eastern Afghanistan and western Pakistan: I say, give them a 48 warning (to let women and children evacuate) and then WHACK THEM ALL, turning the area into a utterly uninhabitable, non-navigable wasteland of ashes for decades to come. Peaceful decades.

We did that to NAZIS and the Japanese militarists. And they were not as bad as the scum we are now fighting.

Lookit folks: The enemy is fighting as they have since the 8th Century. We should at least fight them as hard as we fought our enemies in the 20thC!

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