Thursday, September 20, 2007


Just last night a moderate muslim politician, and founder of the New Alliance party, Naser Khader, was accosted while on the way to address a public meeting in Kokkedal, north of Copenhagen.

Khader was the most prominent politician of middle-eastern descent (or was he the only one?) who tried to defend the cartoonists behind the Muhammed Cartoons and defuse the crisis.

Well, Mr. Khader was verbally accosted by a group of young men of "other ethnic origin" who yelled at him in arabic. When they followed him into the room, Khader and his security detail (which he enjoys since the Cartoon Crisis) decided it would be best to cancel the event.
Democracy - 0
Holliganism -1
At the Danish Folkeparty's yearly congress Merethe Egeberg Holm made some remarkable comments.

She said "Europe should expel all the muslims and replace them with Jews".

See her remarks in Danish about 2:00 minutes into this video, and notice the applause after her comments.

The spirit of Ms Holm's comments were not far from the hearts of the rank and file of the party.

In fact, a keynote speaker at the Convention tried to enlighten the audience to the danger of violent jihad inherent to the Koran, and hence all of Islam.

There are reports that her comments were a reaction to a statement by Kasem Ahmad, spokesmen for the Islamic Congregations of Denmark, who recently called for the expulsion of Jews from Israel.

Well, I doubt the Jews of Israel would appreciate Ms. Holm's counter-offer, but the leadership of the Dansk Folkeparty certainly did not appreciate her language - Ms Holm has been excluded from the party.

The party leadership - which defends freedom of speech in principle - in fact reacts swiftly whenever comments may damage the Party's interests.
Freedom of Speech - 0
Maintaining Influence -1


  1. this news saddens and angers me:

    why is it the EU govt's/established parties have no problem

    cracking down on people who DEFEND a Judeo-Christina Europe,

    and always seem to DEFEND

    the islamists????

    those who march with islamist posters and threaten basic freedoms get more protection than europeans defending their right to REMAIN european.

    this is bad.

  2. Good for Denmark trying harder than other EU countries to fight The Green Plague! May God and Denmark protect such moderate Muslims. They must make much more of an effort.

    The Islamofascists are the racist ones. They are against the Christian Race, and the Jewish Race and the Buddhist race and the Atheist race and the...

    draw not Muhammad -
    Islamic law can only
    apply to Muslims...

    Muslims not bound by Buddhist
    Christian or Jewish doctrine

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    you have NO rights

    to hate religions
    that demand to convert you

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe calls
    for sick ideologies

    that deny human rights
    KILL adulterers and gays

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    don't learn about jihad

    wanting to know or teach it
    is RACIST say the WACKOS

