Saturday, September 15, 2007


Is the continent of Africa a microcosm for the current milieu with regards to the sudden reversal of fortunes for the white/Caucasian peoples of the world?

In South Africa, a man-made, politically-induced crisis has emerged in which a million hardworking, educated Afrikaners are being forced into huge ghetto like areas and into begging for food in many cases and all due to the new laws in place in the country.
Sept 8 2007 Rapport newspaper writes: "South Africa's 3-million Afrikaners -- all multilingual people with a high standard Western education and a protestant work ethnic -- are being forced back into the stone-age by the current ANC-regime's laws which bars such 'whites' from the labour market.
South Africa has about 4.5-m 'whites' of whom 3-million are Afrikaners.

Rapport newspaper published an extensive survey this week of the current living conditions of the country's Afrikaner community -- and has found that they have now returned to identical destitution as they had been plunged into shortly after the Anglo-Boer war in 1902 right up to the Great Depression of the 1930s.

During those years, the 'poor white' problem in South Africa was even highlighted by an international Red Cross report at that time - and international aid funding was made available to try and alleviate the destitution of poor Afrikaners in those years.

Why are these high quality employees now literally begging for food in the streets? Because of the new laws disadvantaging whites. Of the million odd poor white in this situation:
380,000 are men, and 610,000 are women - who are not only unemployed, but permanently unemployable due to the ANC-regime's blacks-only hiring laws for the entire labour market.
I have no problems with black people rising into good, well-paid positions and taking their role in this society. But forcing out the quality, skilled labor of a country because of their race is going to do nothing less than devastate the economy creating problems for every citizen.

This was a stupid, short-sighted policy from every perspective for everybody and certainly extremely unfair and iniquitous towards the whites who have been putting in their labor and brainpower to build this country.

These white people who have now been forced into poverty, had felt secure in their work ethics which had stood them sure for generations: go to university, study hard, and then get a good job and put in your best effort and you'll never go wrong.

But politicos in high places have found a way to subvert these values on the African continent. And I have a feeling that all that we thought was good and right in the past is about to change worldwide - and I believe this is due to the Marxist drive to crash the 'dominant' white culture and to force us into the role of underclass.

Cross-posted here

1 comment:

  1. Where us the U.S. State department on this? Why have we not offered 1 million visas to these educated, hard working afrikaaners to emigrate to the U.S.? After all, immigrants do the jobs Americans won't do, so let't offer them the opportunity to emigrate LEGALLY!
