Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Yesterday TAB's Pastorius blogged this story about how Jimmy Carter's former NSA Chief Brzezinski is quite sanguine about Iran. You have to admire that former administration's message discipline. Not content with urging urging Iowa voters to reject "knee-jerk" supporters of Israel - because the vicious, frothing at the mouth anti-Israel side is so level-headed and thoughtful - Jimmy Carter wants you to know that things are just fine with Iran:
In "The Gathering Storm," his history of World War II, Winston Churchill recalls how President Roosevelt once asked for suggestions about what the war should be called. "The Unnecessary War," Britain's wartime prime minister replied. "There never was a war more easy to stop than that which has just wrecked what was left of the world from the previous struggle."... Former President Jimmy Carter says we shouldn't take the Iran threats seriously. "I think it would be almost inconceivable that Iran would commit suicide by launching one or two missiles of any kind against the nation of Israel," he said. Many of Churchill's critics said the same about Nazi Germany in the 1930s. But apocalyptic fanatics have been known to be suicidal, and Carter, of course, has been wrong about Iran before.
The last time Jimmy Carter said that things were just fine with Iran, it took Ronald Reagan to even start cleaning up that mess.

[Cross-posted to Mere Rhetoric]

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