Thursday, September 06, 2007

Is Pavarotti's Death An Omen?

A great artist with great talents has passed - and thousands who were touched by his life and work will mourn him. You can find solace in his music or read about him elsewhere - because I confess I am no great fan or connoisseur of opera. Yet even someone with the feeblest appreciation of the art (like me!) would immediately recognize his greatness.
Is there any significance in his passing - now? Of course course his death has meaning to millions as individuals and various social groups (i.e. Italians, Opera Lovers etc.). I would also claim that his death may be an omen. The problem with premonitions, gut feelings, a sixth sense - is there is no way to scientifically test them...they either come true or they are forgotten. And if you believe the roulette ball will land on 18 that does not mean your belief will have any influence upon where the ball eventually stops - though it may influence where you place your bet! When I think back to August 2001 many great people died. I refer not only to famous people - I also remember a disproportionate number of relatives and friends passing. After 9/11 I felt like the grim harvest of August 2001 was more than just an omen - it seemed like an ingathering of souls for a struggle between good and evil. Now just as I write this I am reminded of a someone I knew who recently passed away - his life was as tragic as Pavarotti's was heroic - and physically he resembled Pavarotti - i.e. he was "heavy" and darkhaired. Is there some sort of supernatural symetry in this?( Obviously this is a subjective connection I create - there is no material connection between Pavarotti and this tragic soul.) So be aware of the signs that another battle between good and evil is brewing. For those of you who don't believe that there is any reason to heed the supernatural, please refer to the numerous material signs that evil forces intend to do harm. And those of you who do not believe in good and evil? Vote Democrat.

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember people dying in August 2001. But, I do have a strange memory that I took as a premonition after the fact of 9/11.

    Sometime in late August, I was walking through the mall with my wife and kid, and I was struck by a video playing on a video screen hanging down from the ceiling of Macy's. The song was called "The Last Good Day of the Year." It was a modern bossa nova-style pop ballad, kind of like Sergio Mendes, but hip.

    Anyway, I went out and bought the CD in the next few days, and listened to the first couple of songs over and over. The other song I listened to was an intense ballad called "Our Day Will Come."

    Those two songs were ringing in my ears in the days leading up to 9/11.

    There's nothing more to say about it than that. Lord only knows what all that was about, whether there was a bigger story going on in our collective unconcious.

    When 9/11 came it was a complete shock to me.

    When the next attacks come, whether they happen next week, or next decade, I will not be shocked.
