Friday, September 14, 2007


How'd that get in there?
In the West Bank city of Nablus, Palestinian security forces seized three assault rifles in a local mosque. The intelligence chief in Nablus, Abu Jihad Kmeil, accused Hamas of using mosques for illegal activity. Hamas denied the claim, saying the weapons had been planted in the mosque by security officials.
This follows the well-known pattern of only Muslims being allowed to get the weapons that other Muslims have hidden in mosques (money line from the Lebanese imam in that video: "even if they enter mosques, destroy these mosques over their heads because they deserve it"). If Israel went into a mosque to get guns being used to kill Israelis, cries of righteous indignation would echo for months through the halls of the UN and the streets of the Muslim world. Which is exactly why the Palestinians use mosques and hospitals as military installations.

[Cross-posted to Mere Rhetoric]

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