Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Congress may be taking a positive step for starters to that effect:
NEW YORK — Congress is poised to eliminate the 25 percent U.S. funding for the U.N. Human Rights Council, saying that the forum is dominated by human rights abusers and has become a forum to bash Israel.

The move against the council is part of a number of proposed cuts in U.S. funding for the world body now working their way through Capitol Hill. [...]

The Senate on Friday agreed to cut $3 million from its payment to the U.N. regular budget, the share that would normally be earmarked for the Geneva-based Human Rights Council. The House passed a similar measure this spring. [...]

Lawmakers this year have already sought to cut $20 million from the U.N. Development Program. That effort is led by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Florida Republican, and Sen. Norm Coleman, Minnesota Republican, both of whom are upset at U.N. persecution of an employee who exposed the agency's payments of hard currency to North Korea.
The less money the UN gets from any country with common sense, the better. Their so-called council, if it includes Saudi Arabia and Egypt, really doesn't have any reason to exist. Like the UN itself, it's not worth continuing with it. There's been some discussion in the past few years about why the US should leave the UN. I'd say the time has come to discuss it again.

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