Monday, September 17, 2007


If you think you have seen it all, you haven't.
The Palestinian Authority continues a long tradition of celebrating the 2001 World Trade Center terror attacks by publishing cartoons in its official daily that glorify Osama Bin Laden and the attacks, or mock the suffering of the U.S. This year's cartoon shows Bin Laden smiling while making the “V” for victory sign with two fingers in the shape of the burning Twin Towers. The PA daily that published the cartoon, Al Hayat Al Jadida, is owned by the PA and controlled by the office of Mahmoud Abbas. The only text on this cartoon is "Exclusive to Al Hayat Al Jadida," which means it was prepared specifically for the official Palestinian Authority daily.
Here's the cartoon (hat tip- Cliff May at the Corner):

The newspaper where this filth appeared is an official outlet for the "Palestinian Authority," which is led by Mahmoud Abbas, and supported by American tax dollars.

What a travesty of a mockery of a sham.

Give them a state? Rather send them straight to hell.

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