Saturday, August 18, 2007


A U.S. diplomat has warned that the Al-Qaeda terror network is using Bosnia-Herzegovina as a transit point.

Raffi Gregorian told the "Dnevni Avaz" daily that Al-Qaeda "sympathizers" in the country are prepared to help hide agents as well as provide the group with funding and false documents.

Gregorian serves as deputy to Miroslav Lajcak, the top international representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Hundreds of fighters from Islamic countries entered Bosnia-Herzegovina to fight with the Muslim Bosnian army against Serbs and Croats during the 1992-95 war.
This "announcement" comes on the heals of NYPD's "announcement" that they feel we are now most threatened by Muslims who were born and bred here in the USA.

What this all means is that the enemy is HERE, within the gates, and there's very little we can do to prevent an attack EXCEPT use invasive intel'.

The Left has been preventing our use of all the intel-tools we have, and have therefore made it easier for the enemy to attack us successfully.

If US diplomats and the NYPD are saying this kind of stuff publicly, then it probably means they KNOW that they cannot stop ALL potential attacks, and that they also FEEL they cannot stop the next one - which is long overdue....


  1. Invasive intelligence in violation of our Constitutionally-guaranteed civil liberties is not the answer.

    The problem lies in Saudi Arabia, and in the White House.

    The Saudis fund the construction of the mosques, they train the radical preachers who spew hatred, and they supply money and expertise for those people who convert to terrorism in those hate-filled mosques.

    President Bush will start trouble with anybody except his Saudi masters. None of the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqis; where is our army? Bin Laden did it, and he's still free.

    Bin Laden is a Saudi and is tied to the Saudi elites; Bush is tied to the same Saudi elites: they are his friends and business partners.

    Until the well-funded, hateful Saudi Wahhabi influence is eradicated, mosques everywhere will continue to breed terrorists.

    Cure the disease, don't violate our Constitutional rights in a futile effort to treat the symptoms.

  2. blah blah blah blah blah:

    it is schizoid.

    bush is controlled by his saudi master and the zionist NEOCONS!

    yeah right.

    you are a loon, yankee doodle.

    BTW: your rights are being violated.
