Monday, August 13, 2007


AUGUST 13, 1961:
As the Cold War continued, many East Germans began leaving East Germany for the West. East Germany closed the borders between East and West Germany in 1952, but did not seal off West Berlin; because there was freedom of movement between West Berlin and West Germany, Easterners could use the city as a transit point to the West. It was in large part to stop this drain that the East German government built the Berlin Wall, thus physically closing off West Berlin from East Germany, on August 13, 1961.
The Soviet "progressives" didn't stop with walls:
Seventeen years after German reunification, archivists have found the first written proof that East German border guards were ordered to shoot to kill at anyone trying to escape to West Germany, including women and children.

The seven-page order, dated Oct. 1, 1973, was discovered last week in the regional archive office in the eastern German city of Magdeburg. Though it is unsigned, it shows that the Ministry for State Security, known as the Stasi, had told guards that they must “stop or liquidate” anyone trying to cross the border.

“Do not hesitate to use your firearm, not even when the border is breached in the company of women and children, which is a tactic the traitors have often used,” the document said.

The discovery of the written order, which has stunned politicians here across the political spectrum, comes just before the 46th anniversary of the erection of the Berlin Wall, which divided the city and became the symbol of the cold war. It was erected on Aug. 13, 1961, and remained for 28 years until it was toppled on Nov. 9, 1989, paving the way for the reunification of the city and the two Germanies.
ALL ideologies and political movements - whether nativistic or "progressive" - that can only operate from compulsion and coercion under threat of violence and death are all EVIL.

This is another thing the jihadists have in common with the communists.

There's another lesson in the history of this date: We should always remember that what brought the wall down wasn't detente or containment - it wasn't appeasement or accommodation; it was the courageously confrontational anti-totalitarian foreign policy of Reagan. Reagan called the commies what they were - an evil empire, and he sought to undermine them everywhere.

We need MORE of that kind of honesty and courage today.

Walls to keep people locked-in never ever created utopia, not anywhere or anytime.

And appeasement never won a war or liberated a single human soul.

We need to tear down those walls. Just like Reagan said.

We need to confront today's evil empire - the islamo-fascists of al Qaeda and Iran.

There's only one thing the thugs of the Soviet Union and the thugs of al Qaeda and Iran understand. IOW: No more hudnas.

More here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link on such a somber anniversary. Keep up the good work.
