Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Remember our recent post about how a homosexual activist group has declared the family and straight men to be 'oppressive' to women and homosexual men?

Well, it looks like they will have their way in California with the help of Governor Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Jerry Brown who intend to abolish marriage.

TerminatorYes, that's right. In order to equalize the partnership of homosexual couples, these two men have set in motion an initiative which will take the rights of heterosexual married couples.

It was revealed today that Attorney General Jerry Brown [see PDF of AG Jerry Brown's 8/17 brief ] and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger [See PDF of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's 8/17 brief ] said the following in their August 17 supplemental briefs responding to questions from the California Supreme Court:

Marriage can be abolished in the future by the California Legislature

BROWN: ...the words "marry" and "marriage" have no essential constitutional significance under the California Constitution. Thus, the Legislature could change the name of the legal relationship now known as "marriage" to some other name without any constitutional impediment.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ...The Administration submits that use of the words "marry" and "marriage" is not required by the California Constitution. Thus, the name of the legal relationship now known as "marriage" could be changed.

Marriage rights and marriage benefits for a husband and wife can be eliminated by the California Legislature

Schwarzenegger warns that the statutory rights and obligations given to married couples in California "could be abrogated or eliminated by the Legislature or the electorate for any rational legislative purpose." is an organization which is fighting this insidious proposal.


Cross-posted here

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I dunno... the libertarian in me kind of thinks that the government should have as little influence (and intervention) as possible when it comes to marriage. Or, put another way: I'm not sure that the government abolition of the legal category of marriage is equivalent to the abolition of the institution of marriage. Wouldn't it just shift to cultural and religious organizations, where it belongs?
