Monday, August 06, 2007


Learn stuff here at HOT AIR.
And HERE, at PJM with Crittenden.

FACT: an invasion would have led to worse losses for the Japanese and for US troops. (Recently declassified data proves that Japan had reinforced the main island with a huge amount of troops and and was prepared to defend it as they had Iwo Jima, but in spades. This would have led to the USA killing more of them, and to destroying more cities in Japan.)

FACT: Proof that we needed to nuke Japanese cities - and not merely invite the Japanese to a demonstration on some isolated unpopulated island - is the fact that the Japanese did not surrender after the first bomb on Hiroshima, or EVEN FOR A WEEK AFTER THE SECOND BOMB WAS DROPPED ON NAGASAKI.

If we had let Stalin take Japan - (some Leftist pseudo-historians have argued that we nuked them to prevent Stalin from taking it, as if that was a bad thing, a hegemonistic thing) - then it would look like North Korea today instead of being one of the richest, freest, healthiest democracies on human history. AND A GREAT USA ALLY!

On Hiroshima Day the Japanese should thank the USA. We taught them a lesson they needed to learn. And spared them a worse end.

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