Tuesday, August 07, 2007


To save money, Pinch Sulzberger is reducing the page size of the New York Times.

The thickness of the paper has already been reduced by the drastic fall-off in advertising pages.

Last Tuesday, the first news section of the national paper contained 24 pages. Four of those pages were ads. A full-pager for Sprint, a few assorted ads for expensive watches, jewelry, and cancer treatment, and a two-page opinion ad being the ravings of one Paul Kuntzler who took the space to publish a letter to the Washington Post's editor, in which Kuntzler claimed that:
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was murdered by Vice President London [sic] Baines Johnson in a widespread, incredibly complex and brilliantly planned conspiracy [pocketa pocketa pocketa pocketa] that involved the Federal Bureau of Investigations [sic] directed by J. Edgar Hoover, the CIA directed by David Atlee Phillips, the Secret Service, elements of the United States Air Force, including General Curtis LeMay of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the United States Army, the United States Navy, Henry R. Luce's LIFE Magazine, the Ford Motor Company, the Dallas Police, including Dallas Mayor Earle Cabel, big Oil of Midland, Texas, the Texas political establishment, the mafia, the anti-Castro Cubans, Southern racists, including retired General Edwin Walker, and others. President Richard M. Nixon was also involved. [Red items added.]
When your major source of advertising revenue derives from insanity, you need a new business plan.

Pinch Sulzberger has made the Times the most prominent American soapbox for anti-Americanism, anti-Semitism, adulation of communist despots anywhere in the world, libertinism, and post-modernist multi-culturalism.

Face it, there just aint much of a market for that crap once you walk off the college campuses and into the real world.

The Times is on a death spiral.

Rupert Murdoch is in a position to make the Wall Street Journal a real national newspaper of record, and consign the New York Times to the dustbin of far left garbage. The sooner, the better.

1 comment:

  1. besides the campuses the nytimes gets a lot of readers for the same reason the evening news still does: inertia,

    but these readers are dying out.

    reading the nytimes is a HABIT for most of it's readers. an addiction.

    as hard to change ad party registration, (which brooks has shown to be nearly inherited.

    i count CHANGING this habit as CENTRAL to keeping America free from leftism.
    and the left knows this.

    this is the REAL reason the dems are boycotting Fox: they KNOW that once people see a REAL news station they will kick the habit.and liberate themselves from lefist propaganda which the left needs to maintain its grip of the organs of power. (OUCH! GET YOUR HANDS OF MY ORGANS OF POWER!)

    the msms and the campsus are the left has left.

    seriously, this is why the blogosphere and david horowitz are so so so so SO so SO dang important.
