Sunday, August 26, 2007


Hitler pizzaLoony Leftist paradise, New Zealand could be the rising star in the neo-Nazi world. In April, a rock concert celebrating Hitler's birthday was held in Wellington, the country's capital, shocking Jews and anti-racists.

A few short months later, another massive slug in the jaw for the Jewish community. A pizza chain, appropriately named "Hell's Pizza" erected noticeboards in three major cities displaying the image of Hitler performing the 'Sieg Heil' salute with a slice of pizza in his hand. (By the way, notice if you can see, the phone number and website address on the billboard pictured). Considering that this image still evokes horror in the minds of the victims of the holocaust and their families, this is an outrage to say the least. After complaints from the Jewish community, the chain was forced to take the picture down. Story here.

A month or so ago, Baron Bodissey, over at Gates of Vienna, wrote an interesting article about an organization called RAM, which apparently fights 'Islamophobia' in New Zealand. You can read his interesting post here. I bring it up because he made an interesting comparison between Australia and New Zealand, comparing Australia to the Danes, who refuse to give in to Dhimmitude and New Zealand to Sweden, Dhimmi central (with all the consequences).
Cross-posted here

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