Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Macon (Ga.) residents may resort to demonstrations and boycotts. They are disgusted and outraged with their elected (Democrat) mayor, Jack Ellis, who is suddenly somewhat confused (to say the least). Not only has he converted to Islam but now he's sent by courier a 'declaration of solidarity' to Chavez who has called Bush 'the Devil'.
Former mayoral candidate David Corr said the mayor’s comments were “an outrage.” And state representative Allen Peake — a Macon Republican — said the mayor’s action taints the town. He said “We need to be doing things in this community that show the tremendous positives of Macon.”

Ellis praised the controversial leader as a champion for the common man who could offer aid to Macon’s residents. Chavez has subsidized the cost of heating fuel for some American low-income citizens.

Ellis said “This is about a humanitarian effort. This is NOT about politics.”

As long as you're the mayor, Ellis, this IS about politics. Go and hawk your hippy bulldust in the streets of Berkley and let somebody sane take over your job.


Cross-posted here

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