Tuesday, August 28, 2007


And it's got what to do with Islam. As Front Page Mag once predicted, Muslim rape would become a problem in the US, but worse is that nobody came to the defense of the victim here. From the Pioneer Press (via Michelle Malkin):
As many as 10 people witnessed a man raping and beating a woman early Tuesday in the hallway of a St. Paul apartment building, police said Wednesday.

No one stopped it.

At one point, the 26-year-old victim knocked on a door, yelling for the occupants to call police. A man inside told police he didn't open the door or look out, though he said he called police. Police found no record of the call, according to an affidavit for a search warrant filed in Ramsey County District Court.

St. Paul police arrested Rage Ibrahim, 25, on suspicion of criminal sexual conduct Tuesday. He hasn't been charged.

"It was horrifying. I can't describe how it sent chills up my back, watching this woman getting assaulted and people turning their backs and doing nothing," said St. Paul police Cmdr. Shari Gray, who oversees the department's sex crimes unit.

She saw surveillance video that recorded the attack in the Highwood neighborhood.
Notice how the rapist's name is "Rage"? But most shocking of all is how the witnesses and neighbors did nothing about it.

And a Somali advocacy group is even defending the scum for his crime. The spokesperson, Omar Jamal, has been dubbed an Al Sharpton of the Somali community, and appears to have also committed immigration fraud.

Just a week ago, the Star Tribune had an article about violence in the Somali Muslim community of the Twin Cities and the silence that goes with it.

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