Thursday, August 02, 2007


Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, argued that the Bush administration's lack of planning for the occupation of Iraq shows Congress needs to be involved in planning the withdrawal.

"The Pentagon ought to be planning to save lives, not save face," Kerry said.
Planning withdrawal!?!? Before the job is done. SHEESH. Did Ike do this in 1944!?

No, Senator; the Pentagon ought to planning how we win.

WINNING: now that's a word which Kerry has probably never used in relation to any US military effort. He only knows about retreating and then slandering the troops.

Kerry is left-wing dove scum. Like Obama and Edwards and Hillary.

Patton knew what wars were about and how they're WON :
  • War is a killing business. You must spill the enemy's blood or they will spill yours.
  • ... The pacifists are at it again. I met a 'visiting fireman' of great eminence who told me that this was to be the 'last war'. I told him that such statements since 2600 B.C. had signed the death warrants of millions of young men. He replied with the stock lie, 'Oh yes, but things are different now'. My God! Will they never learn?
  • The pacifist actually refuses to defend what defends him; his country. In the final analysis this is the most basic immoral position.
  • ... Politicians are the lowest form of life on the earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician.
HOW TRUE: Politicians are the lowest form of life on the earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician.

And Kerry and Edwards and Hillary and Obama are the LOWEST form of liberal Democrat.

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