Sunday, August 12, 2007


You may know of the Islamic belief in the coming of the Twelfth Imam? If not please check this link out as what you are about to read.

OK, got that? Now, read on. 80,000 Muslim activists met in Indonesia today to discuss setting up a global caliphate, or, in simpler terms an Islamic Global Government. Some say this is the largest group of Muslims coming from all over the world for an event of this kind ever.

The group who organized it is Hizb ut-Tahrir, a group so extreme, it is banned in most of the Middle East and parts of Europe.

Hizb ut-Tahrir - or Liberation Party - was founded in Jerusalem in the 1950s by Palestinian religious scholar Taqiuddin an-Nabhani. Today it has a mainly clandestine following in the Middle East, a large presence in Central Asia - where hundreds of its members have been jailed - and active supporters in the West, including London, which is believed to be one of its main bases.

Even the Islamic Indonesian Government was alarmed and has banned an Australian and a Brit (both Muslims) from attending. Controversial cleric, Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, yes THAT Abu Bakar Ba'asyir who helped mastermind the bombing of an Indonesian nightclub which resulted in the death of a crowd of holidaying Aussies; that Abu Bakar Ba'asyir was going to be one of the key speakers but had to pull out due to the publicity he would have generated.

This is 80,000 Muslims willing to travel a long way at their own expense to attend this conference. These people have a lot of factors in place to achieve success: strong leadership, persistence, numbers, willingness to do whatever it takes.

Do we even have half this? Some sort of resistance had better be mounted and soon or these people stand a very good chance of achieving their objectives.


[More HERE. RP}

Cross-posted here


  1. I wonder if CAIR will send a delegation?

    Of course, this is not important enough to be noticed by the MSM, as it concerns terrorism and other "bumper sticker" issues, not urgent items like Anthropogenic GW, which will destroy the world next week or next month at the latest.

    No threat from terrorist bomb threats, as those won't happen in the USA! Maybe England, Spain & a couple near-misses in Germany, but no WTC repeat. It's a bumper sticker issue.


    About the Book

    Deliver A Messiah, "Mistaken Identity" by Agron Belica brings forth an elaborative examination of who was put on the cross. Many theories suggest that the son of Mary (aka Jesus Christ) was not the person placed on the cross, but someone other than Jesus Christ himself. The author takes you through an examination paving ways of new insight of who might have been put on the cross.
    To contribute to the present work, the author investigated and researched to seek the truth about the assumptive facts leading up to what people of Christendom believe to be the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The Bible and the Koran are the main resources used as references formally presented in use of persuasive arguments and theories of why the author strongly does not believe that the son of Mary was killed nor crucified.
    The author has made every effort to be as unbiased and objective in presenting the facts and interpreting the events in this present work. The author is not trying to stir up controversy, but only wishes to lead people towards what might be considered the truth about the events believed about the crucifixion. The author strongly believes that the prevailing powers during that era have camouflaged the truth. The cover-up of the crucifixion with a false pretext was to lead the masses of people in the past and at present to believe, that the son of Mary was really crucified, by the leading elite that was influenced by the Jewish religious hierarchy at that time.
