Monday, August 27, 2007


Rove is a genius: he got the MSM to hold the Craig story until the day Gonzo resigned!


Seriously: Neither will be missed:
  • Gonzo was merely inept. Glad he's gone.
  • Craig IS perverted scum. Can't wait for him to be gone. (BTW: I always thought he spoke in a rather affected and effeminate manner.)
(Yeah: good riddance to Rove: he was politically inept on Miers, Dubai, Immigration and SS privatization.)


  1. Agreed. While it probably means the Dems will hold Congress in '08, I'm for anything that gets rid of these life-time Washingtonians, be they Democrat or Republican.

  2. from his soft and effeminate speech patterns, i betchya harry reid has transited thru that airport and used that john...

  3. Perversion I don't mind.

    Public perversion where that is unwelcome (public restroom vs gay bar restroom) makes him the lowest scum.

    If he needed a boy friend he should have asked Barny Frank for a source.

    What was he thinking? That is the scary part. That because he was a Rep. he could get away with it?

  4. apparently this spot was so well known for pervs the cops staked it out.

    he felt secure there.

    probably transited thru there a lot.

    i wonder if that's public record cuz he's a senator?

    perversion is perversion regardless if you condone it or not.

    he is a man and men were not designed for sex with women. the postmodern left has made us the first society in human history to even try to condone it.

    contrary to what the leftist academy has tried to teach us, it was ridiculed in ancient greece/sparta etc.

    sex with children, homosexual sex, sex with animals, shoes etc is perverse.

    there is such a thing as normal.

    and there such things as deviant.

    deviancy is not socially constructed (as the postmodernists would have us believe; they would have us believe all values are psycho-culturally derived - and therefore relative).

    it is defined by Natural Law.

    how we deal with such things is another matter.

    we can and do tolerate a lot of deviancy.

    but we should never hold it up as normal.
