Thursday, August 30, 2007

Flat Earth Climate

I was visiting The Reference Frame where Lubos was talking about the changes required to become 100% carbon free by 2030 and came across this gem:
All industry and traffic will have to be converted to a new kind of energy that either doesn't exist today or looks economically or socially unacceptable. Agriculture, transportation, and industry represent significant fractions of the greenhouse emissions and the basic nature of all of them will have to be radically changed. That won't be enough because even breathing and grilling parties produce carbon dioxide. These processes will have to be banned, too, much like alcohol fermentation, cement production, and dozens of other processes.

How is this complete destruction of our civilization justified? Well, those people think that this radical step will lead to a
Flat Earth's Climate (thanks, moptop).
Well I added some emphasis. And capitals.

That just about sums it up. Flat Earth Climate.

Cross Posted at Power and Control and at Classical Values


  1. But.... If we stop breathing, what are the trees and plants going to breathe?

    More CO2 = More Trees!

    It's a win-win situation:)

  2. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Get a load of this thread in PZ Meyer's Pharyngula Blog:

    There are comments in support of Lomborg and against. I posted that it is better to replace fossil fuels with realistic alternatives (nuclear fission today, nuclear fusion tommorrow, etc) than using government coercion. One of those who supported coercion and opposed me (MikeB comment #100) said this, "As Al Capone once said, 'You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.'" That floored me!

    Posters who acknowleged manmade causes of global warming but advocated alternate energy over coercion were vilified.

  3. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Sorry, here is the link

  4. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Apparently it is not posting the link correctly.
