Friday, August 31, 2007


Brent Bozell exposes the extreme, liberal bias on the Morning shows.

Even though we've known this for what seems like centuries, it is still despicable. I was literally yelling at Matt Lauer on the TV last night when Fox played a clip of him telling Tom Delay that there isn't a double standard when it comes to Republicans and Democrats and scandals. Whatever Matt is smoking, it must be some pretty strong stuff.

Here is an excerpt from Bozell's column:
There is no pretense of political balance. They are actively rooting for a Democratic victory next year, and they have the power to make a real difference. Notwithstanding their overall loss of audience in the last decade, ABC, CBS, and NBC morning shows draw nine times the audience of their cable-news competitors and are geared toward the mostly apolitical mainstream, which makes them an important free-media showcase for presidential hopefuls. A new study shows that if this year’s campaign coverage on the TV morning shows were a primary election, the Democrats would win in a landslide of attention and hyperbole.

Rich Noyes of the Media Research Center assessed all morning-show coverage on the Big Three from January 1 through July 31. In those 517 campaign segments, the networks offered nearly twice as many segments to Democrats as Republicans, a margin of 284 to 152. (Another 66 stories focused on both parties.) When the sample is narrowed down just to interviews with the candidates or their spouses and staffers, the morning shows gave out nearly three times as much free air time to Democrats (4 hours, 35 minutes) than they gave to Republicans (1 hour and 44 minutes).

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