Thursday, August 30, 2007


They're not pleased that an Egyptian actor did some work in Tunisia with an Israeli one:
The chairman of Egypt's Actors' Union said Thursday that the group planned to investigate one of the country's brightest young movie stars for appearing in an upcoming miniseries with an Israeli actor.

The controversy began when the group discovered that Amr Waked, who starred in the Hollywood film "Syriana," was in Tunisia filming a four part series on Saddam Hussein's life opposite Yigal Naor, an Israeli of Iraqi descent.

"We found out Amr Waked was participating in a movie with an Israeli artist and so when he returns from abroad he will be investigated," union chairman Ashraf Zaki told the Associated Press. "The Actors' Union here is against normalization with Israel."

Media and artistic circles here remain deeply opposed to improving cultural relations with Israel even though Egypt is one of only two Arab nations that has made peace with the Jewish state.

Nearly a dozen articles have appeared in the past week condemning Waked for participating in the series, titled "Between Two Rivers" and backed by the British Broadcasting Corp. and Home Box Office.

"Who will hold Amr Waked accountable?" read a headline Monday in Egypt's opposition daily el-Wafd.
Actually, maybe someone should hold Waked accountable for helping make a propaganda movie like Syrianna instead? But there's another example of how "peace" with Egypt is political only.

By the way, why do I get the feeling that this miniseries on Saddam will be another work of propaganda too?

Update: More on this at Hot Air too.

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