Monday, August 27, 2007


According to a story in the Washington Times (hat tip: Kathryn Lopez), rank & file staff at the Department of Justice have objected to the fact that the Department is "co-sponsoring a convention held by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) — an unindicted co-conspirator in an ongoing federal terrorist funding case."
"There is outrage among lawyers that the Department of Justice is funding a group named as a co-conspirator in a terrorist financing case," said a Justice lawyer who spoke to The Washington Times on the condition of anonymity. [Emphasis added.]
The Holy Land Foundation terrorist financing case is "the largest terror financing trial in history, implicating some very high-profile Islamic advocacy groups." So why is the Department of Justice doing it?

"This is an important outreach opportunity, and a chance to reach a community that is at once very much discriminated against, and very wary of the national government and its willingness to protect them," Mrs. Lorenzo-Giguere said in an e-mail obtained by The Washington Times.

"It would be a great step forward to break through those barriers. And Chicago is lovely this time of year," Mrs. Lorenzo-Giguere said.
Goes right along with the State Department training jihadi terrorists, doesn't it?

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