Friday, August 17, 2007

ANOTHER NHS NIGHTMARE: IN A NEW, FLAGSHIP HOSPITAL - "woman's aborted baby delivered in toilet because there were no mid-wives"

THIS IS LONDON: Mother forced to give birth alone in toilet of 'flagship' NHS hospital
A young mother had to deliver her own baby in the lavatory of a flagship hospital because there were no trained midwives available.

Surveyor Catherine Brown had made the agonising decision to undergo a chemically-induced abortion after being told her 18-week pregnancy was risking her life.

But when the time came to give birth she was on an ear, nose and throat ward and had only her mother to help her through the ordeal. Her premature son Edward died in her arms minutes later.

The traumatised mother-of-one said: "I just howled and howled. I remember sitting there looking at him and thinking, 'What do I do next?'. I just sat there on the toilet looking at my dead baby.

"It was dreadful - a terrible nightmare. Then I started crying my eyes out and repeating, 'I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry'. I still can't believe the hospital had no trained staff who could help me."

NOW... if socialized healthcare doesn't work there, what makes the Dems think it can work here!?? It won't. So don't fall for their lies!

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