Friday, August 31, 2007


Laser Rifle Thing

This appeared in the Hot Air headlines earlier this week, and is hereby rescued in all of its sheer awesomeness:
TRW Systems in Redondo Beach, Calif., for instance, is working on a portable chemical laser (which produces a beam from the energy released in the reaction of two or more chemicals) that could be carried into battle by a unit of only three men. Aimed like a rifle, it would silently burn a fatal, quarter-inch-wide hole in the body of an enemy soldier up to five miles away. "Once you've got him in your sights," says a TRW engineer, "you've got him. There are no misses."
The Danger Room article goes on to point out that defense companies have been promising us these things for three decades, and that we shouldn't expect any field-operated laser rifles any time soon. Which is kind of like giving a kitten a cute little ball of string and then taking it away, all while pointing and laughing. Sadists.

[Cross-posted to Mere Rhetoric]


  1. Anonymous1:52 AM

    It is really disgusting. Laser, the one of the best technological advancement, which is become inevitable part of modern medicine and it is helping lot to cure in the minute operations. As like always, here again the invaluable scientific advancement is prepared to use for criminal ways.
    RAC European Recovery

  2. Peter: you can't just label everything you don't like "criminal" (or "fascist" or "neoconservative" or whatever bad word is chic in whatever circles you run in). Please explain: how a lawful war is criminal, "crime" having a relatively precise meaning in that domain.
