Friday, August 24, 2007


Interesting news about a group of politicians who seem to realize that their reputation needs to be protected:
A group of at least 10 Kadima MKs is seriously considering breaking off from Kadima before the final Winograd Report on the Second Lebanon War is released, in order to maximize their power and guarantee their political future, one of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's opponents in the faction revealed this week.

The MK said Olmert's assumption that he would face no major political crisis until the release of the Winograd Report, due no earlier than October, was false.

A third of Kadima's 29 MKs would be needed to break off and form an independent faction, but a smaller number might decide to join existing parties.

The MKs organizing the split said they had purposely left open their political endgame to allow as many lawmakers as possible to participate in the rebellion. [...]

"There could ensue many processes [following a split], and it's better to take care of them before Winograd," a Kadima MK told The Jerusalem Post. "All the options are open. There are other parties that are interested in forming blocs. The entire political map could be reshaped."
Better yet, maybe it could be fixed! They'll be doing the right thing by leaving Ehud Olmert behind and not associating themselves with his own corruption.

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