Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Here's a story to illustrate why it's so damn tough to undo the MSM bias:
A baseball player is on first; he attempts to steal second.

The umpire gets in perfect position to make the call just as the throw from the catcher and the base-runner's foot reach the short-stop's glove on the bag.

The umpire calls "out" - BUT SIGNALS WITH HIS ARMS "SAFE!"

The ball-players look at him, chagrined - as in: "Okay boss... what's the call gonna be!?"

The umpire calls him SAFE, saying: "You three heard me but 50,000 fans saw me."
It seems to me that only the blogosphere HEARS the news; the masses see what the MSM says is the news. Especially the swing-voters/middle-or-the-roaders/independents/free-rangers: they are not big consumers of news (NEWS-JUNKIES LIKE US); they merely SEE the BDS/postmodern Leftist/anti-American defeatist crap the MSM puts out: on the morning shows and the evening news shows - (as dictated by the front page of the NYTIMES).

We have still got to get LOUDER AND LOUDER if we are ever going to get the truth to the masses and the swing-voters in a way which can effectively correct the record.

Good outcomes in Iraq, with regard to Iran and WW4 and in relation to global-warming utterly depend on electing Republicans, and the MSM is working overtime to elect Dems and doves and lefties.

WE MUST DO MORE. MUCH MOIRE. Because the MSM is like that umpire - except for one thing: the MSM is DELIBERATELY making the wrong calls.

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