Sunday, July 22, 2007


An odd quiet has fallen on Israel. A couple report getting up at 7am today or yesterday having business in Jerusalem. As they pass the Arab farms on the long stretch to the city, a strange sight greets them. Everything has been harvested and all is deserted and still despite the fact that this is usually a busy time for the farmers of the region. The fields are covered with plastic, nothing is in the greenhouses and the fruit stands are empty. Not a soul in sight.

It seems the Iranian war machine has been meeting and gathering momentum. This is no idle threat. It's real and tangible. Iran issued instruction on 5th July for all Syrian citizens to vacate Israel. A surreal calm before the storm settles like fallout across Israel.

A flurry of war alerts (gleaned from military OSINT and HUMINT source reports) is flickering frantically through intelligence in the U.S. warning of assault expected to be initiated from the Shebaa Farms near the Golan Heights in Northern Israel. The U.S. is currently preparing a massive resupply of ammunition, explosives and weapons to be shipped to Israel. Unlike last summer, the predicted attack aimed at this coming September is feted to be centered on the complete annihilation of Israel.

Although the U.S. has downplayed a third aircraft carrier being moved into the Persian Gulf, could it be that there is a gearing up on the basis of intelligence warnings of the thunderous descent of the harbingers of war?

HAT TIP: Terresa at Noisy Room
Cross posted here

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