Tuesday, July 17, 2007


"Israel-bashing U.N." has offered not one criticism of the Darfour Arabs' genocide and clearing of indigenous Sudanese from their land and the welcoming of foreign Arabs onto the stolen property of these Africans.

It's becoming clear that what has occurred in Darfur over these last few years, the systematic brutal murder of 200,000 tribespeople and the driving of them out of their homes by the Arabic Janjaweed has been nothing short of ethnic cleansing and land theft in collusion with the government. As thousands of tribal Africans huddle at the perimeters of what was once their land, Arabic herdsmen have been welcomed in with open arms by the dominant Sudanese Arabs. This means that the rightful indigenous owners of the land, who were driven out by the Arabs can never return.

The most shocking aspect of all of this is the complicity of the U.N. which has its headquarters in the U.S. The U.N. has sent its refugee agency, the U.N.H.C.R. to 'greet' the newcomers. This supposedly unbiased human rights council had little to say by way of condemnation, but rather offered the rather bland comment that it was 'well-planned'.

Well-planned is a tad understated! I would say evil, cynical, plotted and murderous.

Cross-posted here

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