Sunday, July 22, 2007



A police force withdrew plans for a televised appeal to help catch an Afghan suspected of sexually assaulting women after a race watchdog warned that it might spark a violent backlash.

Detectives were due to appear on an episode of ITV’s Manhunt to ask for help finding Noorullah Seddiqi, 34 ...

But the Chief Constable of the Devon and Cornwall force, Stephen Otter, told officers not to go ahead with the programme after the Devon Racial Equality Council, funded by and affiliated to the Commission for Racial Equality, said the appeal could lead to a racist backlash.

The BBC reveals that even general alerts on this chap apparently cause offence:

Police have been criticised for putting out a public appeal for Mr Seddiqi in April, three months after he broke bail.
This is NOT an example of appeasing the jihadist enemy, but an example of British skittishness about INCITING VIGILANTISM by Brits against Muslims.

This is also why PM Brown forbid the use of the words islam and terror in the same sentence.

I PREDICT: If there is another SUCCESSFUL jihado-terror attack in the UK, there WILL BE RETALIATORY VIGILANTISM. People want to be safe, and if the government fails to do what must be done to keep the people safe, then the people will do it themselves.

This will be true in the USA, too.

MY ADVICE TO MUSLIMS EVERYWHERE: If I were a moderate Muslim who wanted to remain safe and free, I'd worry about the potential for RETALIATORY VIGILANTISM - and how to prevent it.

Prevention will NOT come about by PC, or by agitating for additional rights and privileges - like CAIR. Nor will it come by arguing against government actions and laws meant to crackdown on the extremists, (like opposing the JOHN PROTECTION law).

The only way to prevent vigilantism against 3rd party Muslims is for all moderate Muslims to loudly and unambiguously condemn all islamo-extremism. This is the only way to prevent retaliatory vigilantism.

If you are not ADAMANTLY against them, then you - (the vigilante must conclude) MIGHT AS WELL be with them.

The cowardly actions of a PC administration will not protect you.

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