Saturday, July 07, 2007


If you care two cents about our troops over there in hell central, you'd better start praying because new developments that affect Israel are highly likely to cause mayhem over there. Israel is our only ally in the Middle East. If Israel goes under, our troops are completely surrounded by the barbarians. (Keep this in mind when reading this). A few weeks ago, we learned that Syria had bought a ton of new weaponry (with the help of Iran) from Russia. Just this week, Salty Dog reported that Syria had tarted up its military, and today it's come to light that a new, ominous development has taken place. The 60km road between Syria and the Golan Heights has been all but cleared. The dozens of military blockades on that road which prevented anybody from easily moving between the two countries have been almost completely removed, making way for the mad hornets from Syria to move into this highly strategic area from which they can do all kinds of damage to Israel.

What does this mean? It means that our ally; sane, west-friendly Israel, will likely be under oppressive attack from this enemy while over in Iraq, our troops could be facing huge problems with Iran (which has been creeping up from the western border). With the close association between Syria's Assad and Ahmadinejad, look for the two countries to mount a simultaneous, co-ordinated attack.

With the distinct possibility of a bloodbath (both Israel's and ours) on the horizon, I fail to see why we haven't formed a military alliance with our friend Israel and joined forces from both sides to kick butt over there.

Cross-posted here

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