Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Good news from Nebraska as the nation's worst Republican Senator is in a battle with an up-and-comer for his Senate seat. Attorney General Jon Bruning has raised almost twice as much money as Hagel in the second quarter.

"I am humbled by the fact that so many Nebraskans have made an investment in my campaign," said Bruning. "Their confidence and trust has given me the momentum I need to win."

The finance reports show additional advantages for Bruning, who declared his candidacy for the seat held by Hagel on June 7 of this year. The Bruning Campaign received more than twice the money from individual contributors, bringing in $723,000 to Hagel’s $322,000. Bruning also has significantly more cash-on-hand than Hagel, $620,000 to $483,000 respectively.

"For a challenger to hold such an early advantage is unprecedented," said Bruning Campaign Manager Jordan McGrain. "We are in an incredibly strong position at this stage of the race."

Make the change, Nebraska, make the change.

1 comment:

  1. How awesome is this? I would loooooooove to see this guy kicked to the curb during the primaries.
