Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Dissident U.S. intelligence officers angry at former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld helped a European probe uncover details of secret CIA prisons in Europe, the top investigator said on Tuesday.

Swiss Senator Dick Marty, author of a Council of Europe report on the jails, said senior CIA officials disapproved of Rumsfeld's methods in hunting down terrorist suspects, and had agreed to talk to him on condition of anonymity.

"There were huge conflicts between the CIA and Rumsfeld. Many leading figures in the CIA did not accept these methods at all," Marty told European Parliament committees, defending his work against complaints it was based on unnamed sources.

The report issued last month said the Central Intelligence Agency ran secret jails in Poland and Romania, with the complicity of those governments, and transported terrorist suspects across Europe in secret flights.

Poland and Romania have repeatedly denied hosting CIA prisons on their soil.

"People in the CIA felt these things were not consonant with the sort of intelligence work they normally do," Marty said.

He said he had based his findings largely on conversations with "high officials of the CIA (and) highly placed European office-holders, who for different reasons, often honorable reasons, were ready to explain what had happened."

Essentially, the lead EU investigator is alleging that UNELECTED BUREAUCRATS - whose SWORN duty is to gather intel' and provide it to ELECTED decision-makers WHO IN TURN MAKE POLICY - took it upon themselves TOP BREAK THE LAW AND LEAK CLASSIFIED INTEL' AND OPERATIONAL INFO.


The US Attorney General should subpoena this Marty fella and find out who these traitors are and charge them, convict them and have them EXECUTED FOR COMMITTING TREASON IN A TIME OF WAR.

Need I remind you that MICHAEL SCHEUER - no friend of Bush and an opponent of the Iraq War - has repeatedly called rendition the "SINGLE MOST EFFECTIVCE TOOL" in our anti-terror arsenal:
the rendition program has been a tremendous success. Dozens of senior Qaeda fighters are today behind bars, no longer able to plot or participate in attacks. Detainee operations also netted an untold number of computers and documents that increased our knowledge of Al Qaeda's makeup and plans.

But even if it was an ineffective tool it would still not excuse the acts of treason by the CIA agents who leaked this info. IN A DEMOCRACY ELECTED OFFICIAL MAKE POLICY, NOT BUREAUCRATS IN A CLANDESTINE AND SELF-CONTAINED SHADOW GOVERNMENT.

Folks like Valerie Plame have NO RIGHT to make policy.

Folks like her - AND THE TREASONOUS PEOPLE WHO LEAKED THE SECRET PRISON PROGRAM TO THE MSM - are traitorous scum. They are mot dissidents as the NYTIMES calls them; they are traitors - like Daniel Ellsberg and the Rosenbergs and Ames and Hannsen.

If Bush was as strong a hawk as we really need right now, then he'd make sure these traitors were charged. But he probably won't - Dubya does stand for WIMP, after all.

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