Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Copenhagen Denmark 23 July, 2007

We probably are not the first to blog on this - but hopefully we can give you a little background to another treasonous act of the Left.

Asmaa Abdol-Hamid is a candidate for a seat in the danish parliament. She was forced to leave the leftwing SocialistFolkeparti (SF) when she was unable to publicly distance herself from the death penalty and Sharia-law.

But she was welcomed with open arms by the most extreme leftist party in the Folketing - Enhedslisten (Ø).

Just yesterday Asmaa managed to grab headlines by declaring her support for Iraqis who attack, injure, maim or kill Danish troops stationed in Iraq.

Her argument was that it is legitimate for people to resist occupation.

It should come as no surprise to our readers that Asmaa is Danish/Palestinian - her argument mirrors the doublespeak employed for decades by the apologists for the terrorist murderers from Hizb'allah and Hamas.

Her statements have recently been defended by Enhedslisten's partychief comrade Frank Aaen, and convicted drug smuggler, Muhammed Cartoon Imam Abdul Wahid Pedersen.

These traitors try to justify the terrorist actions of foreign insurgents, supported by foreign powers, against peacekeeping forces present in Iraq upon the invitation of a democratically elected Iraqi government, and on a legal UN mandate, by characterizing it as resistance to occupation!

One thing must be clear - the enemies of democracy are not a clandestine movement- they are clearly arrayed before us.

They openly declare their contempt for democracy, the United Natons, and the Geneva conventions.

We must not be seduced by their lies nor may we ever let them regain control.

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