Sunday, July 29, 2007


With the rising threat of a war which will eclipse all others on the horizon, the fortunes and hence the leadership of tiny Israel is a very overlooked key to the future state of the world's peace. Considering the malignant Islam threat that is focusing on the annihilation of Israel for the moment (today Israel, tomorrow the west), the occupants of this tiny sliver of land may well be the proverbial boy with his finger in the dike.

Their poor leadership over these past years under an indecisive and puppet leader, Olmert has created a leadership vacuum in desperate Jewish Israelis who have the spirit to do what needs to be done but noone to lead. Not only has Olmert groveled and appeased the Islamist neighbours time and time again, he quakes before the all important foreign media who influence the opinions of the world for and against Israel.

The whisper in the wind to replace the hapless Olmert is the head of the opposition, former prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu and Olmert literally can't stand each other. There is no question of this, and yet Olmert, who hates speaking to the foreign press, sends them over to Netanyahu to speak for the Israeli government. Why is this? Well apparently Netanyahu has been doing this for years and for other governments (specifically Ehud Barak's). He has no problem speaking to the press and looks completely at home doing so.

So who is he? Well, he was the foreign minister of Ariel Sharon. Whatever you might think of some of Sharon's tactics, he was a fighter when in power, in the tradition of some of Israel's other greater lions, like Moshe Dayan. From all appearance, Netanyahu looks to be a lion in his dealings with the Arabs and with that other savage enemy, the foreign press.

Netanyahu loves the Fox media and hates the BBC, in terms of friends and enemies of Israel. Understandable, considering that one is Conservative (as evidenced by the Left's rabid thrashing against it) and one is a cesspool of Leftist propaganda. His response to the media on Israel's infamous 'disproportionate' response is a quickfire reference to actions taken by England during previous wars, such as the leveling of German cities like Dresden with huge casualties. He points out that appeasement actions like the giving up of the Gaza Strip have gotten Israel nowhere.

What Israel needs is a firm, decisive leader who is unafraid to confront and defend, both against the Islamist enemy but also against that other fickle foreign entity, sometimes friend, usually enemy, the media.

Cross-posted here

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