Saturday, July 28, 2007


Commenter Watcher71 wrote the following:

What I find really frustrating is that the IDF won't let me go (a non Jew) go and fight for them. They Should have a Mossad screened foreign legion....cause my tail would be off there so fast...!

Watcher71 is a half-Jamaican/half-white Brit who loves Israel, and hates the Jihadis. He is not the first non-Jew to have said this to me, and it isn't like the thought hasn't crossed my mind a few times, and I am a non-Jew in my forties with a family. (In other words, I'm not the kind of guy you would expect to think of such "adventure").

I think Israel has a hidden army far larger than they can imagine. I believe there are men and women all over the globe who are just itching to take up arms in this inevitable war.

Am I right, or what?


  1. you're right. but does that matter? i think not.

    more importantly - IMHO - is the QUESTION as to whether the LEADERSHIP of Israel and the USA have the STOMACH to DO WHAT MUST BE DONE THE NEXT TIME THERE IS WAR?

    That is: kill nasrallah and the leadership of hamas and uproot the tyrants in damascus and tehran.

    and do whatever it takes and for as long as it takes to accomplish this.

    olmert has proven he doesn't hae the balls. the idf may be a shabby shadow of its former self.

    and bush/rice seem to be happy with kissing TOO DAMN MUCH arab ass.

    again: my prognostication is now that the BALLS to do what must be dome will come only AFTER the next mega attack.

    and then, only if there is NOT A DEM IN THE WH.

  2. I agree with you, for the most part. I think there might come a day when the actual size of the army gathered will, in fact, matter.

    I also think that our duty to ourselves and our families is that we never allow our leadership to not respond if we are hit by a mega-nuclear, chemical, or biological attack.

    At that point, it's up to the citizens TO DO WHAT MUST BE DONE.

  3. Being in Israel and fighting with them in some way has been almost a lifelong dream of mine. If they allow it, I'm there.

  4. Aurora,
    I would love to see a show of hands. The only way we would see just how popular this notion is is if one of the bigger blogs brought it up.
