Monday, July 09, 2007


According to Fred Thompson the Democrats are "The Party of Despair", truer words have never been spoken. Thompson continues to elicit excitement and energy among Republicans. Here is a small excerpt of what he had to say at the Young Republicans National Convention:
In his speech, Thompson fired up the crowd when he said he was the top target of The New York Times and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. He said the United States was the greatest country, and that set the audience off, too.

"I'm getting tired of having to apologize for the United States of America around the world," Thompson said. "I'm tired of other people's perceptions that we need to apologize."

He said voters will not support Democratic candidates who are "driving over a left-wing cliff." Thompson added, "I don't think the people are going to turn the keys of this country over to the party of despair."

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