Sunday, July 15, 2007

Climate Of Fear

It looks like Global Warming Scares have reached their sell by date and are now being discounted. People are starting to fall away from the old time religion.

Here is a video from CNN. Not exactly your most conservative station.

Especially check out Bjorn Lumborg at about 9 1/2 minutes into the program. He says global warming will have dire consequences for Britain. He says 2,000 more people a year will die in Britain if warming trends continue. That is terrible and something must be done. However, 20,000 fewer people a year will die from the cold in Britain. Can we just let it happen? Do the math.

Then Bjorn goes on to list the top five problems in the world where a dollar spent gives many dollars of return. This was worked out by a number of Nobel Laureates and other economic specialists in a document called the Copenhagen Consensus. They are:

  • AIDS

  • Malnutrition

  • Free Trade

  • Malaria

  • Agricultural Research

Also note that Al Gore comes in for a lot of ribbing. Especially about Kyoto. He was against it before he was for it. Al Gore in his own words. Always good for a laugh. I get it though. When he was Vice President he spoke for the American economy. Now that he is a freelancer all he cares about is his own personal economy.

Cris Horner at about 29 minutes in talks about how the IPCC gets its consensus. They write the summary for policy makers first and then make sure the science used in the report conforms to the policy prescriptions. You can read more about that in Manufacturing Consensus.

The host, Glenn Beck, says at the end of the program:
Just yelling "the debate is over and these people are heretics or Nazis" as loud as you can is not the best way to advance science, however many have discovered it is the best way to secure funding.
I worry about the Yellowstone caldera. It is 40,000 years overdue and will take out a significant fraction of the world when it goes and almost all the USA. And here we are piddling about a few degrees temperature rise. The money would be better pumped into geology, stress mechanics and hydraulics. Or better yet my field IEC Fusion Technology. Lord knows my project is more deserving than all this climate silliness. Besides I promise unlimited energy and an end to the common cold. Did the climate change folks ever promise that? Never. Well you know how it is. Honor dies where interest lies.

Which is why some debates deserve two or more sides. Some do not. They get them any way. If you have a position be prepared to defend it or acknowledge your faith.

Note: If you want to watch the movie as a bunch of Youtube clips it can be found here.


  1. I AGREE!

    'Ceptin dis:

    I don't mind some of my tax CENTS going to poor countries to help them fight AIDS by educating them, and giving medication to kids who get it from their parents, but I see NO REASON to give tax DOLLARS - to the tune of BILLIONS - to treat adults for this SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE.

    especially since as a result of this generosity, corrupt kleptocrats INFLATE the AIDS numbers to get more $/MOOLA and medicine they sell on the black/grey market.

    if someone makes a lifestyle choice - to have frequent sex with whores or anal sex with other men, then they can pay for their illnesses themselves - as far as i am concerned.

  2. When you think of all the children turned into orphans because of stupid parents you might change your tune.

    One way or anther we will wind up paying for it. If not in aid then by war. Might as well fix it on the cheap.

    BTW as far as I can tell there is no way to end human stupidity. Humans will be monkeys. I mean really. Do we want a vast reservoir of clap in the country or would it be better to treat it? Sure people who get the clap deserve it, but is it a good idea to not treat it?

    It is not a far jump from there to AIDS.

  3. as i wrote msimon, i am OKAY with helping kids.

    adults who continue with anal sex and intravenous drug use and sex with whores DON'T DESERVE ONE PENNY.

  4. my taxes should nit underwrite other people's lousy lifestyle choices.
